Black and white prints (c.215 x 165 mm) and coloured prints (c.255 x 200 mm) of the Inauguration of the University of Limerick. A coloured photograph of a group portrait taken outside Plassey House, left to right, back row, Eamon McQuaide, Danny O'Hare, [?], Joe Wallace, Dick Haslan, Bertie Wall, Brian Killeleen. Front row, Dr David Fenton, Jim Christian, Maura Adsheed, Donal O'Sullivan, [?], Mary O'Rourke, John A. Daly, Charles Haughey, Dr Ed Walsh. P. Leo Colgan and [?] (ULPA/4/1082/3). By "Press 22," 51 O'Connell Street, Limerick, Ireland.