Photocopy of invitation to Solemn Requiem Anniversary Mass for McCloskey, former Medic in Irish Brigade, for repose of souls of deceased members of Brigade, to be held in Adam and Eve Church, Merchant’s Quay, Dublin at 12 o’clock on 26 August 1948, signed by Joseph A. Cunningham, asking McCloskey to ‘Bring Mrs. McCloskey along’. Also includes invitation in Irish to commemorate crusade in Spain of Irish Brigade, with talk by Father Leander Cleary, Legionnaire of Company ‘B’, at 7 pm on same date at Four Courts Hotel, with autographs from Father Leander Cleary, Captain Padraig Quinn of ‘C’ Company, Frederick Aherne of ‘A’ and ‘D’ Company, C. McCabe of ‘B’ Company and D. Toomey of ‘B’ Company, John L. McSweeney of 'Irish Independent', Martin N. Murtagh of 'The Standard', and A. McCloskey. Also includes menu for dinner.